mgb is an independent consultant with more than 10 years of work experience in Urban and Environmental Planning, Climate Change Adaptation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Territorial Policy analysis, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). mgb has also worked in the Education field as a Lecturer, assistant Professor, and Tutor.
mgb holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Development (2020) and a M.Sc. in Urban and Environmental Planning (2014). He is also officially chartered to the Turin Architects and Urbanists register (2020) and obtained the professional qualification in 2014.
He has strong knowledge and professional experience in developing and evolving cities and urban contexts acquired by working as researcher and consultant at the service of public and private organizations in the Spatial/Territorial Planning, Environmental and Climate Policy fields in Brazil, France, Spain, and Italy. Due to his interdisciplinary background and experience in working with professionals from different fields, mgb can always add a complementary perspective on how to work at Science-Policy and Policy-Action interfaces.
Among his qualifications there are foreign language skills: he is an Italian native speaker and also speaks English (TOEFL 92-2016), Portuguese, Spanish, and French.

mgb mission
Today’s societies are threatened by several hazards and perils, and climate change is one of the highest impacts of these. Moreover, it is a fact that urban contexts house the majority of the world population, which aims to continue living and thriving despite being put in danger by several global crisis.
mgb is specialized in combatting climate change through two main response pathways:
- at the source – reducing green-house gas emissions, e.g. CO2, CH4 – known as Mitigation
- on the effects – reducing or moderating current and future impacts producing losses and damages – known as Adaptation
With a focus on the urban contexts and a particular attention to the Adaptation dimension, mgb asserts the need to address it not just through the sole implementation of physical and structural measures. Indeed, he supports the idea that Adaptation must be also seen as a shift of planning systems and tools, policy-making and implementing processes, education curricula, and governance dynamics, towards a Resilient and Adaptive Society.
In this view, mgb works at the service of his clients supporting the improvement and update of their operative frameworks aiming to Mainstream long-term Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptation.

mgb values
- Ethics
- Integrity
- Neutrality
- Accountability
- Open-mindness
- Equity

Products and services
- Territorial plans (e.g. Master plans, Local plan, Sectoral plan)
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Strategic Environmental Assessments
- Monitoring & Evaluation plans, including Logic models set up and reconstruction
- ex-ante, in itinere, and ex-post Evaluations
- Terms of Reference
- Policy recommendations
- Maps
- Best practices review
- Project management support (Proposal writing, Project coordination)
- Lectures
- Papers and Articles

His Professional and Academic mindsets support him to study and to tackle topical issues employing thorough approaches, e.g.:
- Meta-Evaluation
- Theory of Change
- Most Significant Change
- Utilization-focused Evaluation
- Actor constellations
- Design thinking
and methods – both qualitative and quantitative – e.g.:
- Interviews
- Questionnaires and Surveys
- Secondary data analysis
- Systematic literature reviews
- Focus groups
- SWOT analysis
- DPSIR analysis
- Social Network Analysis
- GIS-based analysis and mapping

mgb is committed to support our societies’ wellbeing in social and environmental terms. He is sensitive to specific related issues which he doesn’t directly often directly tackle professionally, and thus allocates 5% of his net income to a list of NGOs and Associations that address gender equity and children wellbeing and education.